Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the FAKE originals..

i went to Sunway Pyramids with my friend..after breaking fast and shopping raya,i saw one shop named pretty cool to me.."FAKE ORIGINALS"
or maybe because that word was in my mind before i seen it..yes..fake...hahahaha!=p i wanted to snap some picture of it, but my friend stopped me..

there were shops that have a catchy name to attract the customer..yup!they should be,because me as a customer that likes window shopping instead shopping..=p (student got no money la)haha!!this kinda shops really pull me inside it..=) two among all the shops at Sunway Pyramid, Lola and Playerz win my heart..

most of business used catchy name to gain some competitive edge..also it's cool when you can come out with one name that unusually to be heard and seen..that's a bonus part..

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nakal.simple.gile2.degil.big love with future..